Feature Update: Public APIs Now Available for Invoicing

– Public API support is now available for creating one-time or recurring invoices as well as creating templates to be used in automation.

– Business users will be able to make use of the APIs to perform basic CRUD operations related to invoices

– The following APIs are available for use

One-Time Invoice

1. Create an invoice

2. Send an invoice

3. Record a manual payment for an invoice

4. Update an invoice

5. Void an invoice

6. Delete an invoice

7. List all invoices

8. Get invoice by invoice ID

9. Get the next invoice number

Recurring Templates

1. Create a recurring template

2. List recurring templates

3. Get a recurring template

4. Update a recurring template

5. Delete a recurring template

6. Start sending invoices for a recurring template

7. Manage auto payments for a recurring template

8. Cancel a recurring template

Invoice Templates

1. Create an invoice template

2. List invoice templates

3. Get an invoice template

4. Update an invoice template

5. Delete an invoice template

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