We’re excited to announce the release of public API support for managing Products and Prices! This update provides Business users with powerful tools to streamline product management within their applications.
API Endpoints – Link
GET /products/: Retrieve a list of all products
GET /products/:productId: Retrieve details of a specific product
POST /products/: Create a new product
PUT /products/:productId: Update an existing product
DELETE /products/:productId: Delete a product
GET /products/:productId/price: Retrieve the price details of a specific product
GET /products/:productId/price/:priceId: Retrieve details of a specific price for a product
POST /products/:productId/price: Add a new price for a product
PUT /products/:productId/price/:priceId: Update an existing price for a product
DELETE /products/:productId/price/:priceId: Delete a price for a product
With these new endpoints, Business users can easily integrate product and price management functionality into their applications, allowing for seamless customization and scalability.