✨ What’s New
We have enhanced our Gmail 2-way sync to provide users with additional functionalities that streamline email communication.
Sync Emails to and from Unassigned Contacts: Users can now receive inbound emails into the CRM from contacts who are not assigned to any specific user. This feature ensures that no valuable communication is missed, even if a contact isn’t directly assigned to an individual user.
Support for Multiple Contact Emails: Users can seamlessly sync all inbound and outbound emails between their email accounts and any of a contact’s email addresses, whether it’s their primary email or an alternate one. This flexibility allows for comprehensive email tracking and communication management.
✨ Other Fixes
– Contact Replies Location: Contact replies will now reflect only in the specific location where a user originally created the contact through the ‘Auto bcc address.’ This ensures that responses are logically organized and easy to track within the CRM.
– Auto Bcc Address’ in Message Details: The ‘Auto bcc address’ will be populated in the message details card under the ‘bcc field’ to provide users with clear visibility
– Location-Based Conversation Population: If a contact exists in multiple locations within the CRM, a conversation between the contact and a user will be populated only in the location from which the user sends an outbound email via the CRM. This ensures that conversations remain contextually relevant.
– Forwarded Emails Visibility: Forwarded emails from a user to a contact will now be reflected under the corresponding contact’s conversation.
– Support for Embedded Images: Users can now send outbound emails via the CRM to any contact with embedded images.
These enhancements and fixes aim to provide users with a more versatile and efficient email management experience within our CRM platform.