Feature Update: Enhanced Email Marketing πŸ˜‡

😍 FEATURE Enhancements

1. Auto-populate Test Mail Fields from Template Settings Values

One of the most given feedback that customers don’t want to is to add “to“, “from“, and “subject” lines if they have added an email campaign – send and schedule screen to test the details. With this update, the user will get test email details auto-populated.

2. Now users will be able to Resize the Image from Full Align as well.

🎨 UI Updates

1. Cursor Icons Updated for Image, Video, And Text Elements

2. Improved Text Editor toolbar icons for smaller screen resolution – All the icons will fit in the same line without three-dot navigation.

3. Click Enter to save the title in Email Builder – UI Update for longer email names

🐞 T4 – Bug Fixes

1. Tablet Components Visibility was neither Desktop nor Mobile view: Users to hide/unhide elements for mobile/desktop but they were not visible in any component in the preview. Thus, we now support whatever is set for Desktop, we will provide hide/unhide similar in Tablet.

2. Smart list was not loading if it was already set by a different user – Users without permission to a smart list were able to send emails to them. We have now improved it.

3. Issue fixed for some Unsubscribe link use cases failing out.

4. A/B Scheduled mail execution time was not accurate for some cases is fixed now.

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