Feature Update: Conversation & Email Composer Enhancements

We have made enhancements to the conversation page’s central panel, email composer, and spacing issues:

Central Panel of Conversations: The feature for fetching older messages malfunctioned in terms of scrolling. This has been fixed; now the scroll position is maintained.

Left Panel of Conversation in the Unread Tab: Previously, when a message was replied to, the conversation moved out of the unread tab. This has been fixed; now, when an unread conversation is replied to, it remains marked as unread and does not move out of the unread tab.

Activity Changes in the Central Panel: When changes were made to the Activity, an activity message would be added to the chat. Due to a peculiar bug, only 10 messages would remain visible in the chat; the rest were removed. We have released a fix for this issue.

Message Composer Line Spacing Issue: There was extra space between lines, which caused template and signature issues, and a general mismatch between composed and sent emails. We’ve released a fix for this.

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